04.19.24 The Scheduling Process

Published: 04/22/2024
Related Posts: 23-24 Sclafani Updates

Dear 10th Grade Parents and Caregivers: 

This is a quick update to let you know that either this weekend or early next week your students should bring home a printout of their course requests for junior year. These requests represent a first draft that will be reviewed by department chairs, in conversation with faculty and deans, in the weeks ahead. As we work together to fine tune students’ placements and balance their overall workload, there will likely be changes to many of these course lists. I will stay in regular communication with students and their advisors throughout the process, but we believe it’s important for them to be in conversation with you as well, as they submit their initial requests.  

Our hope is that students will return these signed forms to advisors by Thursday 4/24, but we know that it may take a little longer if they don’t bring them home until early next week. Please reach out to me if you haven’t seen your student’s course request form by next Wednesday. 

This is an iterative process, and we will continue to engage students in thoughtful conversations about their learning next year and beyond, with the hope of having course lists finalized by the end of May. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns along the way!

All the best,




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