Hispanic-Latino Assembly Highlights

Published: 10/19/2018
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A week ago, we were treated to a celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month by our Hispanic and LatinX Affinity Group, working in collaboration with our INSPIRE club. The groups came together early in the year to talk with each other and formulate a plan for what they wanted to present to the Upper School. Once they put the plan together (a feat in itself) they set off to pull together an hour long presentation that included defining some terminology about being Hispanic or LatinX, playing some wonderful videos to highlight aspects of the culture, commentaries by our students, and a panel discussion about being Hispanic or LatinX in our School. As always, we heard powerful comments that both uplift and offer suggestions about how we can all better live and work together in the Upper School. It’s a tribute to our students that they are willing to participate in an event like this because it takes courage and poise, but in the end we all learn from each other in positive and powerful ways.



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